Printed scarves, custom aprons, branded gloves and toques are being worn for work and outdoor leisure activities in Toronto.

Order Custom Printed Apparel Accessories & Embroidered Workwear from Canada's #1 Supplier

No matter if you are running a café or a car wash, a hair salon or a horse ranch you want your staff to be dressed appropriately and easy for your customers to identify. Keep clean, keep protected and provide a quick way for customers and visitors to identify who is staff and who is wandering with easy to create custom printed clothing and embroidered workwear from Dynamic Gift Canada.

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We love pockets!

Having somewhere handy to put your pen, notepad, nails and tacks - whatever you need to use, can help save time and reduce frustration. The days of ‘where did I put that ruler this time?’ could be a thing of the past if you decide to choose any of our attire that comes with pockets like our printed aprons. This can help save your staff time and get things finished more quickly because spending twenty minutes each time someone loses their tape measure is something no business large or small, wants to be doing.

Affordable protection for more important clothing

‘Oh great, I just spilled soup on my good shirt - I just love working here’ No one wants their own clothing damaged at work and one easy solution to this is providing an easy to wear over layer such as an apron for your employees to wear. Help increase their protection from spills and accidents as well as provide something to cover the area of their own clothing that comes into danger in the service industry, at garages, anywhere there is something that can be spilled!

Creating a uniform that won’t break the bank

Not every business can afford the cost of creating a full uniform for their staff. But how are the customers going to know who to ask for help? Is that someone working here or just another browser? And with many people opting to leave an establishment rather than go searching for assistance, making your employees easy to spot is vital. Our promotional branded smocks and aprons do this with ease, creating an instantly recognizable outfit for your business.

Easy to wear

Any article of clothing that is easy to put on, wear and take off is likely to be appreciated by whoever is going to use them. No one wants to be awkward in their uniform and you probably don’t want to have staff that are squirming about from uncomfortable clothing - it just doesn’t look...good. Choosing something lightweight and comfortable doesn’t have to mean sacrificing a professional image when you are choosing to buy embroidered workwear from Dynamic Gift Canada.

Easy to create a company colour scheme

Everyone wants to build up their own brand and it all often starts with a colour scheme. But sometimes this imagery can be expensive to apply, or even overkill (your bright yellow sign might be cheery but most people won’t want to be greeted by an employee looking like an angry canary) A fantastic way to ‘tie in’ uniforms with your image is to create accent items in the same colour such as custom printed gloves, hats, printed aprons, custom smocks and more. Show the public your store is fashionable, and your staff are professional with this easy fix to creating business cohesion.

And finally, easy to replace

Unfortunately, not everyone who leaves a place of employment returns their uniform and anyone who works in an industry that has a high turnover such as fast food knows this discourtesy can quickly add up to a serious money drain on a business. This is why inexpensive company attire such as our aprons can be a better solution that giving out a full imprinted uniform in certain establishments. Losing an apron is less of a loss than losing a full outfit, and you are still providing protection for clothing and an outfit that quickly unites everyone who is wearing it as a team.

A little bit about working with us

At Dynamic Gift Canada we understand the importance of creating a professional, well put together look when working with the public. We also understand the importance of clearly embroidered, high quality logos, whatever they are destined for. So why not get in touch today and start working with us to create some practical fashion with our custom printed clothing that will get you and your brand noticed and remembered?