3 Gifts Giving Etiquette You Should Always Follow

3 Gifts Giving Etiquette You Should Always Follow
September 19, 2018 19 view(s)
3 Gifts Giving Etiquette You Should Always Follow

You don’t have to wait until Christmas to tell clients and employees that you value them. Gifts can be given at any time of the year, especially when they’re least expecting it. But gift-giving isn’t as easy as it seems – it is a subtle art where the receiver should be as happy to receive it as you are sharing. Here are a few things that you should remember before giving gifts

Remember To Check If It is Alright For People To Receive Gifts

Not everyone you deal with merits a gift. Some companies ban their employees from accepting marketing gifts beyond a certain value. This is especially true for government employees where accepting gifts can be akin to accepting bribes. Remember to speak to the company’s HR personnel before buying them.

Presentation Is Equally Important:

I do agree that it’s the thought that counts, but it’s equally important to spare a thought about presentation. In fact, some researchers have found that people judge us by the way we wrap gifts. For example, a gift with no presentation can often indicate that it was just a casual purchase rather than a special, well thought out gift. Wrapping the gift can elevate your gift from a mere product to something special.

Make Your Gifts Personal:

Generic gifts such as photo frames, toasters, planners, diaries, etc. aren’t inappropriate but they do not add value to the relationship. It shows that you haven’t put thought into the process and could do more harm than good. But stay away from personalized items like clothes, perfume, flowers, etc.  

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