Promotional Product Mistakes You Should Avoid

Promotional Product Mistakes You Should Avoid
June 28, 2019 49 view(s)
Promotional Product Mistakes You Should Avoid

4 Things You Shouldn’t Do When Giving Away Promotional Products

The promotional products industry in America is worth billions of dollars. Promotional products continue to remain relevant even in the age of social media marketing, TV advertising, and online banners. Around 85% of people prefer to do business with companies that offer a promotional item. However, not all gifts are equal. Sometimes, you could end up annoying, or worse hurting, customers by choosing a poor promotional product. Here are some things you shouldn’t do when giving away promotional gifts:

Don’t Pick an Unsuitable Gift:

A gift of gourmet sausages and wine is great but could be considered unnecessary and even offensive to someone who does not eat meat for ethical or religious reasons. If you’re giving away customized t-shirts, make sure they’re gender-specific, but be careful not to come across as stereotyping. This should be considered when picking any promotion gift. For example, not all women would enjoy a gift of cleaning supplies, and not all men would like gifts related to fishing. You also have to be aware of the stereotypes associated with certain communities before choosing a promotional product.

Don’t Pick a Cheap Gift:

Cheap gifts reflect poorly on your brand image and are an insult to the customer as well. It shows you don’t value them very much. Look for gifts that are relevant and useful, for example, consider coffee mugs, USB drives, office items, bags, etc. Decent gifts don’t have to break banks, but they should be of a decent quality. We are one of the best places to shop for promotional products in Canada. There are tons of products you can choose from. We can find something that suits your budget and brand image.

Don’t Pick a Gift that’s Not Suited for Your Audience:

Choose a gift that’s suited for your potential customers. For example, customers buying event banners will love complimentary custom lanyards before an event. It could be tempting to pick a trendy gift, but it may not be the most suitable gift depending on your audience. Your customers would appreciate something that can be used daily rather than an expensive but limited gift.

Are you looking for promotional products in Canada? Visit or call us at 519-219-2292!

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