When it comes to cancer, no one wants to think it could happen to them, or their loved ones – but it’s estimated that in 2020 around 27,400 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in Canada and unfortunately around 5,100 women will die from it. This means that on average, 75 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer every single day. These are hard facts that no one wants to hear, but there is some good news and hope ahead.
With research comes progress, and with every year advancements are being made in diagnostics and treatment for this disease. Breast cancer deaths have been in decline since 1986 and this is a testament to the incredible work of countless people from researchers to diagnosticians. With the need for research though, also comes the need for funding, and with charity drives and awareness campaigns in the form of marathons, walks and other events – the race to beat cancer once and for all is on, and the public have taken up the challenge.

What never ceases to amaze us is the ingenuity of breast cancer promotion ideas from those involved with fundraising. From fun runs, to cheeky breast shaped hats, we are all out on a mission to make sure this issue gets the attention and funding it so desperately needs to make progress. We want to make sure this illness does not get side-lined or overlooked, and of course to make sure people hear the stories of those who have already been affected directly by it.
Some of us will have likely heard the fact that at one point around 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime – but did you know that men can develop breast cancer too? Many people unfortunately do not realize men can also be affected by this disease, but around 240 men a year in Canada will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 55 will die from it.
Breast cancer really is something that affects us all and going to the doctor if you suspect a problem is vital for everyone – symptoms or even suspicions should never be ignored by anyone. For more information on breast cancer as well as what being diagnosed involves, please do not hesitate to visit the Canadian Cancer Society and further educate yourself using their incredibly helpful website.
How We are Participating This October!
So now you know the facts, the good and the bad – plus you have a link to a resource that we cannot recommend highly enough, now you might be asking “Ok, but what is your business doing to help? You are a promotional company and it’s all very well and good telling me to help fundraise, but what about you?”.
At Dynamic Gift Canada we are an office primarily made up of women, so this is an issue that is especially close to home for us. Furthermore, we are a small business who are all like family to one another. Since this issue is of such great importance to us both as a business and as individuals, we’ve had more than a little back and forth in the office over what would help the most and after some consideration – this is what we have decided on!
Did you notice the new look on our website? We have changed our site from its usual palette to the traditional colour for breast cancer month to promote awareness amongst our visitors and patrons, and also to act as a reminder that this month is all about breast cancer. Pink is powerful and we are committed to it!

Speaking of pink, we also have tailored a section specifically for awareness to make finding what you need easier and more readily available. We know that fundraising and awareness events can be hectic and we want to try and take some of the burden off by placing everything in one easy to look at section, freeing you up to focus on what matters.
And finally, we are participating in raising funding and awareness through donation. For October of 2020, Dynamic Gift Canada will be donating a portion of proceeds from every promotional product that bears our pink ribbon icon, directly to the Canadian Cancer Society – to help support breast cancer research. We hope this will help events get an even stronger start because as soon as you purchase any of these items you have already helped raise money for this cause, in addition to any events you plant to use them for.
In summary, we hope that with a combination of donations and helping improve visibility, that we are contributing towards this essential issue and participating in a manner that helps us step out of the traditional “promotional box” and consider the cause we are rallying for and the people involved.
Fundraising & COVID-19 Restrictions
How can anyone raise money while we are all socially distancing? This is an important issue to address and we, as a promotional company have been considering it quite heavily – as with all events, since March. With the rapid spread of COVID-19 and the changes to our lifestyles, public gatherings have been limited or disallowed all together due to health concerns. This means that for 2020, many charity drives and other organized events are sadly cancelled for the year – but nonetheless, awareness can still be raised with just a little extra creativity!

Essential items like awareness giveaways or pink themed items with important information on them could contribute to this important cause. Phone numbers on pens or emails to contact places with information, logos to bring attention to charities that need it – just because we can’t gather in person doesn’t mean we are beaten for the year.
Solidarity for this cause can be as versatile and inventive as our minds can create and using awareness products to spread information when you cannot meet in person is a great option. We also might all be at home, but the internet is there and participating in virtual runs and marathons seems to be a popular and safe choice this year. Whatever you choose to do, or whether you choose to create an awareness product or not, you are participating and that is great news.
Even if you aren't planning to use any promotional products for fundraising this year, you always have the option of donating directly to the Canadian Cancer Society from a business or personal level. We've added a button below to make it super easy and convenient!