How to Build a Successful Brand Identity for Your Business

How to Build a Successful Brand Identity for Your Business
June 28, 2019 235 view(s)
How to Build a Successful Brand Identity for Your Business

How to Build a Successful Brand Identity for Your Business

Every business leader has a marketing plan, but only a few know how to execute one successfully. If you’re an entrepreneur, branding your business is essential to establishing your position in the market. A recognizable brand is one of the valuable assets any company can own. According to a survey from HelpLama, around six in ten customers choose familiar brands when purchasing new products.

A brand is not just about a company’s logo; in fact, it is far more than just a logo — it is all about a customer’s overall perception of your business. Additionally, brands have a lot to do with how you project your company’s image and display its core values to external audiences. Branding cannot happen overnight — it is definitely a long-term process. Ongoing effort can help to establish a positive relationship with customers and clients and also allow for a steady increase in sales leads and word-of-mouth referrals.

Here are a few ways to develop a successful brand image:

  1. Take Advantage of Online Platforms

    Understand the importance of visual branding in today’s digital marketing environment. A major study shows that 81% of shoppers conduct online research before buying products. Start with your website by delivering quality content and then distribute it across social media platforms. It is important to post unique content to drive digital marketing activities. Deliver a stream of white papers, blog posts, articles, and other rich content assets to elevate your brand profile. Share visually-engaging content on social media to interact with your customers and key experts in relevant industries. Also increase website traffic by targeting the right audiences. Live video marketing is another way of communicating with your potential customers that helps to provide demos of your products. A video can do more than pictures. Digital tools such as Facebook live, YouTube live, Instagram live, Snapchat, and Twitter Periscope can help encourage your customers to engage with what you have to offer.

  2. Use Promotional Products and Corporate Gifts at Conferences and Marketing Events

    The main attraction at any event is your authentic products and services. One little thing that can take an event to the next level is coordinators throwing in special surprises, such as corporate gifts, to delight attendees. An important and time-tested way to reach someone’s heart is by offering gifts that are useful on a daily basis. Gifts serve as a constant reminder in the recipient’s life. Make sure to add a personal touch so your customers feel special and appreciated. Smart leaders like you will invest in high-quality promotional products for brand marketing. Some of the best corporate giveaways include mobile device chargers, seasonal items, lanyards, umbrellas, T-shirts, tote bags, reusable drink bottles, moleskins, and chocolates. According to a study conducted by BPMA, almost 66% of the participants who received promotional products can recall the brand imprinted on the items which were given to them within the past year. Therefore, providing promotional items is less expensive and more effective than other forms of marketing and advertising.

  3. Add an Emotional Element

    No matter how creative and entertaining your brand campaigns are, if you miss adding an emotional connection, your marketing strategy will likely miss the mark. Powerful companies such as Harley-Davidson, Apple, and Nike create an emotional connection between their brands and customers. The emotional branding in these commercials promotes sentimentality that neurologically hooks customers. Did you know that an emotionally-connected customer consumes your products more than satisfied customers? Yes, emotional connections matter more than customer satisfaction! You can build a deep brand connection with your target customers by sending handwritten thank you notes or a customized email. When your clients form an emotional attachment with your brand, you can count on them in the long run.

Follow these steps to succeed and thrive in the future. I’m sure that you can build a strong brand for your business in 2019.

At Dynamic Gift Canada, we sell thousands of promotional items and marketing gifts at competitive pricing. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to call us at 519-219-2292 – we’ll be happy to help!

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