Fundraising & Non-Profit

Rolling Success: Boost Your Fundraiser with Custom Cart Coins

Pin It to Win It: Transform Your Fundraiser with Custom Lapel Pins

Pink is Powerful - Raising Awareness for Breast Cancer
No one wants to think it could happen to them or their loved ones, but the unfortunate reality is that an estimated 27,400 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in Canada and around 5,100 will die from it – in just 2020 alone. These facts are difficult to hear, but there is some good news and hope ahead. Read on for more information, and to find out how we're supporting the cause this October.

How to Unlock a Shopping Cart Without Coins
You rush to the grocery store reciting the list in your head, you hurry through crowd to the shopping cart area and realize... you don’t have any coins. Who even carries coins in 2019?! Sound familiar? Well we have good news – Canadian shopping cart coin keychains are a growing solution to this common problem, and you can learn all about them right here!

6 Custom Promotional Items Perfect for Nonprofit Organizations
There’s no person alive who doesn’t love getting something for free!
Businesses and organizations have been tapping into our love of free things for decades. They’ve found that giving away branded promotional items is a great way to boost their reputation.
You too, can use the power of giveaways to help promote your charitable organization. Here are 6 custom promotional items perfect for your nonprofit.

3 Tips For Winning With Fundraising Products
If you’re part of any nonprofit, you know that money is hard to come by. Most nonprofit staff and programs get by on the bare minimum. Devoted employees often work longer hours than expected. Effective fundraising and the marketing efforts that go with them are crucial to a nonprofit’s success. But with the seemingly endless fundraising marketing options available today, where to begin? And how do promotional products fit into the grand scheme of things?
The answers lie in branding. A quick look at most items you have, be it your shirt, your pen or your coffee mug, will tell you that almost everything is branded. For more than three decades companies have successfully used branding to deliver and spread their messages. So why shouldn’t your organization do the same?

Time To Get The Team Geared Up
Springtime means that the kids are getting ready to join their outdoor sporting teams for the year, and there are many ways that parents can be involved in these sporting events. If you are planning to spend time on the playing field watching your kids or coaching the team, then you might consider certain custom sports items that can be used as fundraising tools or even just a way to show the team spirit.