Social Media

4 Reasons You Should Create a Sports Team Sponsorship with a Local High School
August 22, 2018
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4 Reasons You Should Create a Sports Team Sponsorship with a Local High School

Are you looking for a unique way to advertise your business?

A sports team sponsorship with a local high school can be an effective way for you to spread the word about your company. That's because a local high school is well-known in your community and can help you develop a stronger reputation.

Read on to learn 4 ways that sponsoring a local high school sports team can help you market your company.

Why Branded Giveaway Marketing Is Trending
April 18, 2018
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Why Branded Giveaway Marketing Is Trending

A branded giveaway can boost your customer relationship, raise your brand’s reputation, and improve your overall marketing strategy. It’s an economical way to promote your product, making it a win-win for both you and your potential customers.

Social Media Marketing: 3 Important Pitfalls To Avoid
November 9, 2017
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Social Media Marketing: 3 Important Pitfalls To Avoid

In the current marketing environment, social media seems to reign supreme. But it’s a confusing environment, and for those with no background in the field it’s very easy to make some common mistakes. We’ve built a list of those mistakes, with tips on how to avoid them:

The easiest of all pitfalls to encounter also happens to be the easiest to avoid! Those that fail to properly plan their social media marketing strategy are those that often end up wasting hundreds of dollars and hours with unsuccessful campaigns. Here’s a few things to make sure your plan covers:

Instagram Marketing: Cracking the Code
October 25, 2017
18 view(s)

Instagram Marketing: Cracking the Code

By now, everyone knows just how important Instagram marketing is to business success. Unfortunately, the explosion of its popularity and resulting market saturation has made it increasingly difficult to break through and make your presence known.

So what do the best Instagram marketers know that you don’t? Read on to find out:

Appeal to Millennials with These 5 Promo Items Ideas
August 1, 2017
42 view(s)

Appeal to Millennials with These 5 Promo Items Ideas

Since the Baby Boomers, never has there been a generation bigger and with more purchasing power than all the previous generations before – we are talking about Millennials or Gen Ys.

As people born in the late 80s to 90s become the prime consumers, they are projected to have a spending power that will be $1 Trillion plus, by the year 2020. Millennials are those born somewhere between 1980 to 2000, depending on what you are reading. They differ significantly from previous generations in their fervor for technology and branding.

Why Use Promo Products Alongside Social Media
June 19, 2014
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Why Use Promo Products Alongside Social Media

Social media is undoubtedly a powerful marketing tool but it is sometimes challenging for brands to compete in an overcrowded marketplace. Knowing how to get ahead of the competition can be difficult but effectively building promotional products into a strategic marketing campaign can deliver results.