Why Use Promo Products Alongside Social Media

Why Use Promo Products Alongside Social Media
June 19, 2014 11 view(s)
Why Use Promo Products Alongside Social Media

Social media is undoubtedly a powerful marketing tool but it is sometimes challenging for brands to compete in an overcrowded marketplace. Knowing how to get ahead of the competition can be difficult but effectively building promotional products into a strategic marketing campaign can deliver results.

The world of social media is continually expanding so choosing which channel to focus on can be daunting. If you try to engage with too many channels your efforts will be diluted and you’re unlikely to meet your goals. The strategy which is most likely to improve your bottom line and deliver a high ROI is to discover which channel your target audience uses. Aim to OWN this channel. Learn the culture, follow the right people and publish relevant content on a regular basis. Importantly, observe what your competitors are doing in this space. Once you feel you’ve achieved this it could be an opportune time to use promotional products to boost engagement and create tangible results.

Read our top tips:

1. Hashtags

This is one of the simplest ways of using promotional products. Although hashtags were popularized by Twitter they are now used everywhere. They are undoubtedly an effective way of raising awareness and are a useful way to monitor who you’re engaging with.
There are two main ways to use hashtags. The first is to promise promotional products in exchange for followers sharing a specific hashtag.

The second is to print a hashtag on promotional products which will help to engage with people who aren’t yet following the brand on social media.

2. Use promotional products to increase your number of followers

Promotional products can easily be used as an incentive for social media users to follow a brand. It’s an incredibly simple strategy and adding a quirky spin can be what a campaign stands or falls on. For example a brand could encourage followers to come up with an inventive caption for a particular image highlightingthe brand, or followers could be asked to upload their own image including the brand, all in exchange for promotional products printed with the brand’s logo.

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