Custom beer coolers & koozies
Among the products in this category are collapsible beer and can coolers that boast a stainless steel insert and lever edge, making it easy for people to open pop-top cans and bottles with metal tops when they are out and about. They are ideal for corporate picnics, beach parties, garden parties and any other events that take place outdoors. They can also be used by individuals on family outings in the summer and to keep soft drinks cool when travelling long distances. If your business is looking for cheap personalized products that will be seen by many people over time, these items are a very good place to start.
Special occasions & corporate gatherings
Companies that are planning to put on a special event, whether to promote a new product range or to celebrate the length of time that they have been in business, are sure to find our neoprene wine coolers of interest. Featuring a cut out handle at the top, they make it easy to carry wine and champagne on warm days without having to worry about whether it will still be nicely chilled on arrival at the venue for your event. They can be screen printed or decorated with a full colour transfer so whether you would like them supplied with a discreet logo or vibrant images that demand attention, we can oblige.
Sponsoring local charity functions
There is no better way to ensure that everybody who attends a charity event is left in no doubt as to who the sponsors are than by handing out colourful foam coolers with every can of drink that is consumed. Furthermore, there are sure to be a number of people that find them so useful they take them home to use again and again. This additional exposure will not cost your organization anything and will help to make sure that local residents and other companies are well aware of your existence. Because our custom products are available at low cost prices when you buy in bulk, they are ideal for large events attended by thousands of people.
Hassle free ordering process
From the moment you get in touch with us, we will do our utmost to make sure that your order is processed swiftly and efficiently. If you already have your own artwork, you can upload it via our website or alternatively, you can take advantage of our free graphic design service if you prefer. All items in this range are shipped from Ontario, Canada, eliminating the problems and delays that are often encountered when ordering goods from overseas.