A close-up of a USB business card on a laptop; next, two people are passing along information on USBs at a tradeshow in Canada; finally, the USB card is in its new home laying beside a pair glasses.

Branded USB Business Cards, Custom Printed with the Fastest Turnaround

Why not your clients something they can actually use instead of a standard old business card, try a USB business card. People can slot them into a wallet or handbag and carry their data, all the time remembering the awesome company that presented their USB to them (that would be your company). Our USB business cards feature a vibrant full colour print over the entire surface and capacity from 1gb to 32gb with both classic metal plugs or the newer micro style USB plugs. All our USB cards have a 10 year chip warranty and optional rush service!

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The Many Benefits of USB Business Cards

USB Business cards have been a popular giveaway for businesses in Toronto and the rest of Canada for quite some time due to their usefulness. Portable memory has evolved significantly since it entered the market and, with today's fully customizable USB drives, they're much more than a storage device. Whether a business uses them to build a brand, start a conversation, or deliver content, Credit card USB Drives are a great investment for a variety of reasons.

Better Brand Development

Building a solid and recognizable business brand involves every aspect of the company. However, the logo is a crucial part. It's the face of the business, so getting it in front of customers is essential. The company's logo should be included on client-facing and promotional items, and a branded USB drive can help the company keep its name and face on customers' minds.

Content Delivery

There are times when a company may be unsure of how to share content because it contains too much data to send as an email attachment or because there's no reliable, safe way to deliver it. USB business cards can store a variety of materials such as design files, photos, videos, music, and Word documents.

Reliable Storage

Every computer user has dealt with it at some point—the computer crashes and there are worries over whether valuable data has been lost. While users are often warned to back up their work, it's easy to forget. By backing up important data on a USB drive, and by making sure all employees have access to them, companies can avoid losing crucial data.

Event Giveaways

In many cases, event giveaways and trinkets become useless once the event has ended. Leaflets serve little purpose to customers once events are over, but a USB drive gives the customer something useful and keeps the company name and logo in their view.

Talking Points

A branded USB stick serves as a unique talking point between businesses and customers. As previously mentioned, these devices are a bit different than the average giveaway item. Whether it's from customers who've received one or employees who use them, USB drives are a great way to get the conversation started.

Share the Portfolio

Aside from content delivery, USB sticks serve as a great and easy way to carry and share portfolio materials. Storing a portfolio on a USB device allows a company representative to leave the information with a client and gives the client an opportunity to review the information in a low-cost, portable way.

An Easy Backup Plan

Most people have encountered situations where their laptop dies or an emailed presentation fails to open. A USB drive takes up little space, and it's a good idea to keep a copy of an important presentation in a portable, transferable format.

Custom Designs

Most people think USB drives are just small sticks that do little to make the company stand out, but that couldn't be further from the truth. With the variety of customizable designs available, a company can make a design that's as unique as their products.

Adaptability for a Variety of Industries

Memory drives aren't specific to certain industries, and most businesses use them occasionally. Whether a photographer needs to share his or her portfolio or a representative hands them out at events, it's easy to tailor a USB drive to the client's needs.

Different Packaging and Sizing

USB sticks aren't bulky, and they make it easy to store and carry important files. They're available in a variety of packaging options and sizes, making it easy to customize them to suit the business.

Most small to medium businesses cannot afford to spend on promotional items that miss their mark. Research shows consumers gravitate toward tech products that offer long-term usability and other benefits. By investing in products such as USB drives, companies can boost sales and maximize their promotional efforts.